Servicing cars which means by changing lubricants and checking all parts of the car.
Servicing PC's which means by checking all the components inside the PC's to be in working condition (especially fans) , check whether is was overheated on all the hardware components and everything inside the PC as a black box(CPU) to almost all the PC's users.This is for the hardware part and the hardware part of PC's is kindly easy.
Most problem occur on a PC is about SOFTWARE.
The most frustrating matter to users is VIRUS/WORM/TROJAN !there are difference among each ,suitable and also latest antivirus and spyware need to be used to solve this.
Many people out there likes to format theirs pc so much, because it can clean up everything on their PC and can run any programs and games faster. But i DO NOT recomend to format the PC's always.
Few reason that cause PC's run slow:
1.Processor slow-(when running any program,look at the task manager on the performence tab, if the program fully utilize the processor, CPU usage on the Task Manager will goes very high which means that the processor constraint )
2.Not enough memory- in a normal pc, there is 2 type of memory, which is RAM memory and Hard Disc memory. Hard Disc is place to store all your files and programs, as like your C or D drives in an example. Ram memory which is the place to store the Program or Process your pc is running, which can be view on Task manager on the Processes tab. All the RAM memory used by all the program will be shown here. As in the picture shown below, Firefox which is using the most RAM memory, 282,896K memory on my PC.
3.Driver- Correct driver and also latest driver need to be install on your Operating System to make your pc to fully utilize your hardware resources.
4.Virus-Some of the virus will cause your processor to run 100% all the time, so when u open any program, your program cant use your processor to do certain task, and this will cause your program running slow as well
Hope it helps to all viewer !enjoy !
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